home â– Intimate Wellness â– Non-Surgical Labiaplasty
Some women may be self-conscious about their intimate anatomy or labia, and may experience discomfort with wearing tight clothing, exercising, or sexual intercourse. It is common for labial tissue to increase in size and change in shape after childbirth, hormonal changes, weight loss, or aging. These changes may adversely affect one’s self-confidence, exercise routines, and sexual function.
While surgical labiaplasty (a procedure which typically relies on removing excessive labial tissue) has been a traditional treatment for labial concerns, more and more women now want a minimally-invasive, non-excisional treatment option. The AVIVA or FemTite Scarless Labiaplasty procedure provides an alternative to surgical labiaplasty.
At the women-owned and women-led practice of Aviva Plastic Surgery, we specialize in sexual health and intimate wellness. We are one of the practices in the United States who offer the AVIVA or FemTite Scarless Labiaplasty treatment—an innovative, non-surgical option for improving the look and feel of the labia. We have years of experience treating patients for a variety of vaginal and labial concerns, including vaginal laxity, decreased sensation, dryness, and sexual function concerns.Â
The Scarless Labiaplasty, also known as the AVIVA or FemTite treatment, is a popular treatment to reshape and tighten the labial tissues. We do the scarless labiaplasty treatment with the help of injectable numbing medicine and laughing gas (also known as ProNox) without cutting or stitches. Instead of traditional tissue-excision surgery resulting in long scars and extensive healing, we use Radiofrequency (RF) technology to tighten and reduce the size of the labia without the risks associated with traditional surgical labiaplasty. After scarless labiaplasty, downtime is minimal, with patients typically returning to work within 1-3 days of treatment.Â
I had the FemTite procedure and I am so glad I chose this treatment. I was nervous about it at first, but the staff made sure I was informed on all aspects of the procedure and worked with great care. The recovery was honestly a breeze. I enjoyed my experience at Aviva and I will be back again!
- Lindsday, Non-Surgical Labiaplasty Patient; Atlanta, GA
Surgical labiaplasty is a long-standing procedure that usually addresses excessive, asymmetric, or stretched labial tissue by removing it. During surgical labiaplasty, the surgeon cuts and removes a wedge-shaped or length-wise piece of labial tissue, subsequently placing stitches along the cut to close it. In contrast, a non-surgical labiaplasty avoids cutting and sutures by using radiofrequency heat to tighten the labial tissues.
During the scarless non-surgical labiaplasty treatment, we use a slim probe (about the size of a spaghetti noodle) to bring gentle heating to the tissues of the labia, providing an immediate tightening result and stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin. The result is additional tissue tightening over several months after treatment. An additional advantage afforded by scarless labiaplasty is the ability to treat tissues around the vagina and urethra as well, with the potential for improving vaginal dryness and stress urinary incontinence.
Women who are bothered by the appearance of their labia may be good candidates for non-surgical labiaplasty. Likewise, women who feel that excessively long, asymmetric, or stretched labia interfere with their daily activities or sexual function may consider the AVIVA or FemTite non-surgical labiaplasty treatment. Another group of candidates includes women with mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence (or trouble holding in urine with activities such as sneezing or exercise); some of these individuals may avoid invasive pelvic surgery with the help of the AVIVA or FemTite radiofrequency treatment.
We are thrilled to be able to offer the AVIVA scarless labiaplasty treatment to our female patients. We believe that women should not be afraid or embarrassed to speak up about their vaginal and labial issues, especially when there are painless and innovative ways for them to get relief. As women, mothers, and highly trained and experienced medical professionals, we bring a special level of expertise to the realm of intimate health and wellness, and sexual health and function. We will put you right at ease from your first meeting and make sure to answer all of your questions.
If you are a woman in generally good health and are bothered by the appearance or function of your labia—and if you want to avoid the long scars and downtime of a traditional surgical labiaplasty—you may be a good candidate for the AVIVA or FemTite scarless labiaplasty treatment. Some of our patients want to try a non-surgical treatment before pursuing surgery, and in this setting, the Aviva scarless labiaplasty procedure may be a good treatment option also. Â
We typically perform the scarless labiaplasty treatment with relaxing laughing gas (also called ProNox) and injected numbing medication. The majority of patients do very well with this treatment, and enjoy the lack of general anesthesia (which can cause nausea and prolonged recovery for some patients). For very anxious patients, we usually provide by-mouth relaxing medications before treatment, and this allows for a more relaxed treatment experience.
No. During the scarless labiaplasty treatment, we use a small needle to create a tiny opening in the skin of the labia, placing a slim probe into the labial tissue. The scarless labiaplasty treatment is based on carefully controlled radiofrequency heating of the labial tissues, and does not involve cutting or removing tissue. Unlike the traditional surgical labiaplasty, the AVIVA scarless labiaplasty is not associated with stitches or scars.
The discomfort after non-surgical labiaplasty is limited for most patients. Mild tenderness and swelling are usually well managed with anti-inflammatory medications (such as Tylenol) and compressive yoga pants. The majority of patients return to work and most social activities within 1-3 days after treatment.
The recovery after non-surgical labiaplasty is usually shorter than that of the surgical counterpart. Some patients undergoing the scarless labiaplasty treatment are able to drive themselves to and from their treatment, and are able to return to work in 1-3 days. Mild discomfort is common after scarless labiaplasty, and is typically well-managed with anti-inflammatory medications such as Tylenol and compressive yoga pants.
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