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Patient Info

Dr. Inessa Fishman


This 29-year-old woman was bothered by her under-the-chin fullness, and wanted to improve the definition of her jawline. She was treated with EmbraceRF, a combination of lipocontouring and FaceTite radiofrequency skin tightening, to improve and sharpen the contour of her neck and jawline.

For patients too young or not ready for a surgical face or neck lift, FaceTite radiofrequency tissue tightening may be a great treatment option.  Dr. Fishman commonly combines FaceTite with lipocontouring and Morpheus microneedling to enhance the contours of the lower face and neck, get rid of double chins, and tighten skin without scars or a long recovery.

About Embrace RF Procedure

Nonsurgical skin tightening is a powerful way to contour the face, chin, and neck without the downtime or recovery of surgery.  The Embrace RF procedure combines FaceTite tissue tightening with Morpheus RF microneedling and lipocontouring to restore beautiful contours to the smile lines, jawline, and neck for those patients not yet ready for facelift and neck lift surgery.  Our facial plastic surgeon Dr. Inessa Fishman uses FaceTite and EmbraceRF treatments to improve the appearance of the face, jawline, and neck with minimally invasive treatments and powerful, long-lasting results.Learn More About Embrace RF