This 24-year-old woman with a slowly-growing forehead lesion (a lipoma, which is usually a benign, slow-growing fatty tumor) was treated with surgical excision. Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Inessa Fishman performed the patient’s procedure with the help of local anesthetic (injectable numbing medicine) and laughing gas in the office. The patient’s incision is hidden behind her hairline. She is shown 3 months after treatment.
About Lipomas & Osteomas Procedures
Lipomas, osteomas, and various other “bumps” on the scalp, face, and neck are common concerns among patients who come to our practice. A lipoma is a benign (non-cancerous) fatty growth which may appear on various parts of the body, face and scalp; while an osteoma is a growth of bone which can form on the forehead or skull. Our facial plastic surgeon Dr. Inessa Fishman commonly treats lipomas and osteomas as well as a variety of other bumps and cysts on the face and neck.Learn More About Lipoma TreatmentLearn More About Osteoma Treatment