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Labia Fat Transfer


Age, weight fluctuations, pregnancy and childbirth-related changes can result in deflated or thinned labial (the lips of tissue around the vaginal opening).  This change in appearance can bother some women, and can result in discomfort with sexual function.  Fat transfer can help restore volume to the labia with natural-appearing and permanent results.

Labia Fat Transfer in Atlanta, GA

Love The Way You
Look + Feel

At the women-owned and women-led medical practice of Aviva Plastic Surgery, we strive to help women see labial fat transfer as a common procedure that can improve self-confidence and comfort.  We are excited to join you on your wellness journey–and want to help you love the way you look and feel!

I am so happy with my labiaplasty and fat transfer results! The pain was really minimal, and the Aviva staff really made me feel very comfortable and welcome. I was able to be open about my treatment goals, and the staff exceeded my expectations throughout my experience!

Labia fat transfer

What is Labia Fat Transfer?

“Deflated” or too-thin labia majora (the outer lips of tissue around the vaginal opening) can be bothersome from an appearance or comfort perspective.   Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, aging, and weight changes can lead to loss of volume within the labia majora and stretch or even tear the labia minora (the inner lips of tissue around the vaginal opening).  Fat transfer restores volume within the labia majora by borrowing fat cells from another part of the body and “planting” them within the labia.  This treatment takes advantage of using your own tissue, and has long lasting–if not permanent–results.  Labia majora fat transfer is often combined with labiaplasty to contour stretched or excessive labia minora tissues, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments for sexual health, and clitoral hood reduction, for a comprehensive vaginal rejuvenation.   

The Benefits of Labia Fat Transfer

Confidence in appearance and healthy function helps our patients look and feel their best every day, and this feeling extends to many areas of our patients’ personal and intimate lives.  In addition to improved self-confidence, labia fat transfer treatment brings:

  • A fuller, more volumized appearance to the labia majora
  • Less pain and discomfort during intercourse and exercise
  • Permanent results that carry a high patient satisfaction rate

Am I a Candidate for Labial Fat Transfer?

Every body is unique and normal labia come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Speaking with our trusted and experienced staff about the reasons why you’re considering the labial fat grafting treatment and sharing your concerns are important steps in your treatment journey.  Together, we can craft the right wellness strategy that ensures you reach your goals while retaining your individuality.

As with any other treatment, labial fat transfer is an excellent treatment option for the right patient.  Candidates for this treatment include individuals who are:

  • In good health
  • Not taking prescription blood-thinning medications
  • Interested in improving the appearance or feel of their labia on a long-term basis
  • Want to optimize their vulvar or labial appearance, and are considering labiaplasty or clitoral hood reduction treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

While approximately 10,000 women undergo labiaplasty treatment yearly in the US, overall aesthetic gynecologic and sexual health procedures are rapidly becoming more common.  As women grow more comfortable in discussing their intimate health concerns, the idea of improving one’s vulvar or labial apperance and function is becoming more acceptable in the medical community.  Nevertheless, what seems like a straightforward procedure, both labial fat transfer and  labiaplasty treatments require extensive expertise for best outcomes, and we recommend meeting with our highly skilled women’s wellness experts if you are interested in this treatment.

We most commonly perform labial fat grafting in our office, with the help of relaxing medications, laughing gas, and injectable numbing medicine. Patients are released home after treatment, with most reporting taking a long nap after treatment. During their recovery, most patients take 2-4 days off work and school, and are encouraged to wear compressive leggings or shorts. About 2 weeks following the fat grafting surgery, patients return to Aviva Plastic Surgery for a follow-up appointment with our staff.  During this visit, she assesses one’s healing progress and provides an updated timeline for recovery.

Fat grafting risks include bleeding, bruising, infection, changes in sensation, and asymmetry of the labial tissues.  A small amount of bloody drainage is normal for the first 2 weeks after surgery; however, significant bleeding is rare, as is infection and permanent numbness.  Resulting significant asymmetry of the labial tissue is uncommon; this may require a revision or touch-up procedure.  

Most commonly, labiaplasty surgery and labia fat transfer are cosmetic procedures and are not typically covered by insurance.  Our practice is not in network with insurance plans; and all labial fat transfer, labiaplasty and women’s wellness treatments are self-pay at our practice. 

To help our patients plan for intimate wellness treatments, we offer a number of easy-to-use financing options.  Please inquire with our staff about this at the time of your consultation.

Every patient has individually different anatomy and aesthetic goals; because of this, we encourage individuals interested in fat grafting treatment to schedule a consultation with our women’s wellness expert in order to receive custom-tailored treatment recommendations and pricing information. In general, fat grafting procedures will cost around $6,500 and less when combined with other procedures like labiaplasty.

Your end goal will determine how much fat our staff will transfer. Whether your goal is to improve sagging and aesthetics or to hide the labia minora completely, we may also recommend labial puffing or labial augmentation with injectable filler. Based on our experience, we will determine a treatment plan that suits your needs and treatment goals.

Unlike dermal fillers, fat grafting has the benefit of lasting a lifetime. After one treatment, the fat transfer reintegrates into the body and results will last for years. We find results to defy aging and weight changes, and maintain an improved appearance for years after treatment.

What Should I Expect During My Labia Fat Transfer Procedure?

Labial fat transfer treatment involves rejuvenating and revolumizing deflated labial tissues with your body’s own filler–fat.  The labia majora, or the outer, hair-bearing lips of tisse around the vaginal opening, may lose volume with pregnancy, child birth, weight fluctuations, genetics, and age.  These factors, as well as any other anatomic findings, are carefully considered during the surgical planning of a labial fat transfer treatment.  Given the sensitivity of the surgical area, the treatment requires high technical expertise, extensive training and experience of the surgeon, and great compliance with treatment instructions of the patient.  Ensuring patients are fully prepared to undergo labial fat transfer starts by building a close, trusting relationship with each patient.

At Aviva Plastic Surgery, your intimate wellness journey begins with your initial consultation, during which we want to hear all about you, your concerns, and your goals.  After this, our highly skilled staff performs a thorough examination, develops a customized treatment plan, and explains all available options to help you determine which approach will help you achieve your goals while fulfilling your needs.

Unlike other surgeries, labia fat transfer is a women’s wellness treatment which is often done as an outpatient procedure and completed in about 1-2 hours.  We commonly perform labial fat transfer treatments in our luxurious, state-of-the-art office, using the help of relaxing laughing gas (also known as ProNox) and injectable numbing medicine.  In certain cases, we combine labial fat grafting procedures with other treatments in the operating room, using general anesthesia.  A compressive wrap dressing is placed onto the fat donor areas (these usually being the inner thighs), and patients return home to rest shortly after completion of treatment.

Labia Fat Transfer Treatment Care Instructions

At Aviva Plastic surgery, we are strongly invested in both a smooth treatment and uncomplicated recovery for our patients. We work with you before and after your labia fat transfer treatment to ensure that you are comfortable with the treatment plan and are thoroughly educated about the best before and after treatment care.

We recommend reviewing the Pre- and Post-Treatment Labia Fat Transfer instructions several times prior to and after your treatment.  We want to provide you with the information and tools you need to have an excellent treatment experience.  Please contact our office should you have any questions or concerns about these instructions, your preparation for surgery, or post-treatment recovery. We are here to help!

Please read and familiarize yourself with these instructions before and after your treatment.  By following them carefully you will assist in obtaining the best result from your treatment.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact our office by calling or texting 678-974-8435.

Vaginal rings used for birth control or hormone replacement should be removed prior to your appointment.

Pubic hair needs to be closely trimmed or shaved 2 days prior to your treatment.

Bring a feminine pad and Spanx or Spandex type underwear (preferably boy-short style) to your appointment to wear home at the end of the procedure.

Make sure you have your latest Pap Smear results on file with us.  Pap Smear results must be less than 1 year old.

Make sure you have a driver available to take you home after the procedure.

Refrain from intercourse, tampon use, exercise, heavy lifting, or straining during the first 24 hours after treatment.

You may shower or bathe 24 hours after your treatment.

Stop all anti-inflammatory medications, including NSAIDS (see attached list), 10 days prior to your procedure.

Arrive to the office in a button-up shirt and comfortable pants.  

Post-operative care is very important; please review the below instructions in detail and let our staff know if you have any questions.  Discomfort, swelling, tightness, and the risk of infection may be minimized if the instructions are followed carefully.  Sometimes the after-effects of surgery are quite minimal, so not all of these instructions may apply.  When in doubt, follow these guidelines and call our office for clarification.


Stay off the treated areas as much as possible.  Avoid sitting and standing for prolonged periods for 1 week after your labial fat transfer.  Lay on your back and side as much as you can for 1 week after your labial fat transfer.

You should expect some bruising, swelling, and pain after your procedure. If you feel like you’ve lost sensation in the liposuction areas, don’t be alarmed. As your nerves begin to regenerate feeling, the sensation should return to normal. Swelling may linger for as long as several months. Pain medication will be prescribed to control any discomfort. However, if you begin to experience severe pain, contact us immediately.

Take the prescribed pain medications or Tylenol before you begin to feel discomfort.  It is easier to prevent pain than control it.  Escalating, severe pain is not typical and should be addressed; should you experience this, please quickly contact our office at the contact information above.

Restrict strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting the day of surgery and 7-10 days afterwards.  It is not unusual to require 7 to 10 days before you are feeling back to normal, and before you can resume moderate physical activity.  We usually advise 3-4 weeks of recovery before resuming strenuous physical activity. Specifically, avoid jogging and other bouncing activities for 6 weeks.

CAUTION: If you suddenly sit up or stand from a lying position you may become dizzy.  If you are lying down following surgery, make sure you sit for one minute before standing.  Stand up slowly to provide time to steady yourself.  If you feel dizzy when you sit or stand, you should lie back down immediately to minimize the possibility of fainting.


Mild bleeding or blood-tinged watery drainage from the surgical site is not unusual.  If bleeding does occur, go to bed, elevate your head, and apply a room-temperature compress with mild pressure over the surgical site.  The main reason bleeding occurs is from patients elevating their blood pressure by bending, lifting, straining, coughing, sneezing, straining on the toilet and other strenuous activities. 

To avoid complications from bleeding, you must absolutely refrain from activities that may increase blood pressure for 7-10 days after your surgery.  We ask you to elevate your head for the first week and simply relax; walking and climbing a few stairs are permissible.  Take advantage of this vacation and let your family help you!

You must also refrain from taking any drugs that may prolong or worsen bleeding.  Remember even 1 aspirin per day can cause bleeding.  Some homeopathic herbs may also elevate bleeding times and should not be used before or immediately after surgery. Gingko, Garlic, and Ginseng, as well as high doses of vitamin E can increase bleeding. 


Every operation, no matter how minor, is accompanied by swelling of the surrounding tissues. The amount varies from person to person, but it always appears more in the face since there is looseness of the tissues and because even a small amount of swelling makes the features appear distorted.  Do not be alarmed if one side of your treated area is slightly more swollen than the other.  This is common and usually disappears within a few weeks.

The swelling that is normally expected is usually proportional to the surgery involved.  This is the body’s normal reaction to surgery and eventual repair.  The swelling will start the day of surgery and will not reach its maximum until 2-3 days post-operatively.  The swelling will rapidly decrease after the 3rd day. The skin of the labia may feel tight for a while due to the swelling.  You may feel that it interferes with your comfort or sitting; this will disappear within a few weeks.

AVOID ICE AND COOL COMPRESSES on the labia and pelvis.  Ice and cool temperatures may prevent the transferred fat cells from healing appropriately.  It is ok to apply cool compresses to the areas where the fat was obtained/ harvested.

AVOID BENDING OVER OR LIFTING heavy things for one week. Besides aggravating swelling, this may raise the blood pressure and start hemorrhage.

AVOID HITTING OR BUMPING THE AREA OF TREATMENT. It is wise not to pick up small children and you should sleep alone for one week after your operation.

SLEEP WITH THE HEAD OF THE BED ELEVATED for 1-2 weeks after your operation. To accomplish this, place two or three pillows under the head of the mattress and one or two on top of it. Try not to roll on your face. Some patients find a reclining chair placed at 45-degree angle to be more comfortable.


For mild pain, one or two tablets of Tylenol or Extra Strength Tylenol may be taken every three to four hours; do not take over 4000mg Tylenol (acetaminophen) in 24 hours.  Ibuprofen is generally not recommended for the first several days after surgery; this is because ibuprofen can cause increased bleeding and/or bruising.

For severe pain, take the narcotic pain medication as directed.  This prescribed pain medicine will make you groggy and will slow down your reflexes.  Do not drive an automobile or work around machinery until you are no longer taking any narcotic pain medications.  Avoid alcoholic beverages as they will enhance the effect of the narcotic.  This is a dangerous combination.  Pain or discomfort following surgery should begin to subside after the first two to three days.  If pain persists, it may require attention and you should call the office.  Do not routinely take Tylenol with prescription pain medications.  Many prescription pain medications already contain Tylenol.


Stick to a soft diet for 1 week after treatment.  Drink plenty of liquids to maintain good hydration (at least 8oz of fluids, 6-8 times a day).


After the first 24-48 hours, you will be able to remove dressings and wash the area of treatment gently with a mild soap and gently pat dry with a soft clean towel.  You may shower 24 hours after surgery.


In some cases, discoloration of the skin follows swelling.  The development of black, blue, green, or yellow discoloration is due to blood spreading beneath the tissues.  In most patients, this is a normal occurrence, which may occur 2-3 days post-operatively.  Moist heat applied to the area may speed up the removal of the discoloration.  In younger patients, bruising is rare and sometimes is represented as a slight yellow discoloration.  In older patients, especially the elderly, bruising can be quite significant and is represented as black and blue discoloration.  Bruising of this degree can take approximately two weeks to resolve. As the healing progresses, bruising can go from blue to purple to yellow.


If you have been placed on antibiotics, take the tablets or liquid as directed.  Make sure you finish the antibiotic even if you feel like you are completely better and do not need it.  Discontinue antibiotic use in the event of a rash or other unfavorable reaction and notify the office of the reaction.  Sometimes taking antibiotics with yogurt can help prevent diarrhea.  If you take birth control pills, the birth control may become ineffective; use a back up form of birth control.


In the event of nausea and/or vomiting following surgery, do not take anything by mouth for at least an hour including the prescribed medicine. You should then sip on flat coke, tea, or ginger ale.  You can also purchase coke syrup over the counter which can have a soothing effect on the stomach.  You should sip slowly over a fifteen-minute period.  When the nausea subsides, you can begin taking soft foods and the prescribed medicine.  Please call if the nausea does not subside within 3 hours.  There are medications we can call in to your pharmacy that work very well to control nausea and vomiting.


Slight elevation of temperature immediately following surgery is not uncommon.  If the temperature persists, notify the office.  Tylenol should be taken to reduce the fever.

Your case is individual as no two people are alike.  Do not accept well intended advice from friends. Discuss your questions and concerns with Aviva staff.

If you are involved in regular exercise, be aware that your normal nourishment intake is reduced.  Exercise may be much more difficult.  We recommend that you take at least 14 days off from any vigorous physical activity.  When you do resume your exercise regimen, start with a light to moderate workout and gradually increase your regimen over several sessions.  Stop exercising if you get lightheaded.

It is not uncommon to have some mild post-operative depression.  Most patients are shocked when they see they are swollen and, perhaps, discolored. Be realistic and realize that this is a very temporary condition which will subside shortly. The best “treatment” consists of busying one’s self with the details of post-operative care and trying to divert one’s attention to other thoughts.  Just relax and rest and let your face heal.

An appointment will be made at the front desk for 24 hours after the surgery to check the surgical sites.  If you did not receive an appointment, please do not hesitate to call our office so we can see you.  We will then see you at 1 week.

Do not smoke for at least 2 weeks post operatively as smoking significantly delays healing and increases the risk of complications.

If you have any questions regarding your condition, it is best to call the office during our regular office hours.  A follow-up visit is provided as a courtesy at no charge.  If you have a true emergency, our physician can be reached 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  During the day, call the office number, 678-974-8435.  After business hours, call or text the same number, and our staff will call you back as soon as possible.

Trust a Female Surgeon for the Best Labia Fat Transfer in Atlanta and Sandy Springs, GA

Our mission at Aviva Plastic Surgery is simple – help patients achieve greater confidence and their best health.  By offering labiaplasty in a welcoming, professional environment, we have helped many women understand that labial fat transfer is a common procedure to treat a common concern.  To learn more about this women’s wellness procedure, call our clinic at 678-974-8435.  We look forward to taking care of you!

Love The Way You Look and Feel

Contact us today to start your journey to your best self