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Dr. Inessa Fishman


This 54-year-old woman was bothered by a lack of definition at her jawline and unwanted fulness under her chin.  Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Inessa Fishman treated her with an isolated deep plane neck lift, which is a surgical procedure to contour the jawline and neck and remove too-low and too-large parts of fat pads, muscles and salivary glands under the jawline.  Dr. Fishman also placed a small chin implant to give the patient’s chin more definition and projection.  The entire surgery was done in our office, with the patient awake and relaxed with by-mouth medications and laughing gas.  The patient’s only scar is hidden in the natural crease under her chin.  She is shown 1.5 months out from treatment.

About Neck Lift Procedure

A surgical neck lift is a powerful treatment to improve the neck contour, treating the excess fulness of a double chin, loose skin, and lack of definition between the jawline and neck.  We see young people in their teens and twenties with genetically blunted or heavy necks, as well as men and women in their 40s and above bothered by developing loose skin, muscle banding, and neck fulness.  Neck lifting surgery is the gold standard treatment to address a number of neck and chin concerns, and our facial plastic surgeon Dr. Inessa Fishman commonly performs neck lift surgery as a standalone procedure or in combination with blepharoplasty or a lip lift.Learn More About Neck Lift