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Patient Info

Dr. Inessa Fishman


This young woman disliked the appearance of her labia, or folds of tissue around the opening of the vagina; she disliked like what she felt was excessive length, and the appearance of the inner labia coming out beyond the outer labia (also called labia majora).  As an upcoming health professional, she reported frequently physically demanding work, and wanted to feel more comfortable and more confident in her appearance.

We treated her with a bilateral (both-sided) labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction to take away the too-long long inner labial tissues, and contour the excessive clitoral hood (or tissues around the clitoris) for overall aesthetic balance.  The patient is shown 6 weeks after her surgery, with an excellent result and very good healing progress. She had her treatment awake and relaxed in the comfort and privacy of our welcoming and bespoke clinic, and was excited to see her results immediately after surgery.  She will heal over the course of 4-6 months, during which time the labial tissues and clitoral hood become less swollen and incisions heal to essentially invisible.

Labia and vaginas come in an endless variety of normal shapes and sizes.  While they have normal anatomy, some women feel uncomfortable with too-long or stretched or asymmetric labial tissues, which can develop after puberty, weight changes, pregnancy, or childbirth.  We frequently combine labiaplasty procedures with clitoral hood reduction, growth factor injections for improved sensitivity and sexual health, and vaginal rejuvenation to achieve optimal intimate health for our patients.

Our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Inessa Fishman has extensive background and experience in aesthetics and surgery, having completed as Aesthetic Gynecology fellowship in addition to her plastic surgery training.  Women’s wellness is both her passion and ours, and we take pride in caring for our patients with intimate wellness and sexual health concerns.

About Surgical Labiaplasty

Enlarged or uneven labia minora (the inner lips of tissue surrounding the vaginal opening) are effectively treated with the common (though uncommonly discussed) procedure called labiaplasty.  For most women, the labia minora are for the most part covered by the labia majora (outer lips).  In others, however, genetics, puberty, aging and pregnancy can cause the inner lips to extend beyond the outer lips.  Some women can experience discomfort and irritation with overly long labia minora, leading to discomfort in clothing, during exercise, and with sexual relationships, while other women may just be bothered by the appearance of the labia.  Labiaplasty treatments can address these concerns. We have expertise in both surgical and non-surgical labiaplasty to help women feel their most confident and address any intimate anatomy concerns.Learn More About Surgical Labiaplasty